First published in 1972, The Australian Pipeliner is the official magazine of the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) and the leading media brand for the sector. The publication covers everything from upstream gas exploration and facilities, to construction and maintenance of hydrocarbon transmission pipelines and water pipelines. With mature readership lists developed over several decades, excellent brand recognition in the industry and a strong reputation for producing high-quality original content, The Australian Pipeliner has unparalleled access to key decision-makers in the upstream and midstream sectors.
Print magazine frequency
Newsletter Subscribers
12,200+ Subscribers
Monthly average page views
14,700+ Readers
Target audience
Construction Contractors, Project Management & Service Providers, Pipeline Owners and Operators, Government
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The Australian Pipeliner is the leading information source for the Australian pipeline and gas association, as the official magazine of the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA).
Prime Creative Media is Australia’s largest business-to-business publisher, specialising in integrated marketing communications in high-growth industries.