In brief

Quarry magazine provides a medium for suppliers and services to connect with up to 1000 quarry operations across Australia, from multinationals to small and medium-sized extractive operations. The magazine is published in partnership with the Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA). The magazine supports the IQA’s mission to advance the science of quarrying in Australia and overseas in the interests of the public at large. In addition to 11 issues a year, Quarry also publishes an annual industry directory, as well as a guide to crushers and screeners.


Print circulation
10,300+ Readers
Newsletter circulation
7,500+ Subscribers
Monthly average page views
31,000+ Per Month
Print magazine frequency​
Target audience​
Quarry Operators, Recyclers, Members of the Extractive Industries and the Institute of Quarrying Australia

View masthead

Quarry is the official publication of the Institute of Quarrying Australia. It is also Australia’s only publication dedicated to the promotion of the discipline and science of the quarrying, extractive and construction materials industries.


Quarry is a business-to-business magazine and a valuable reference tool positioned as a must-read for quarry operators, recyclers and members of the extractive industries.

Digital magazine

By keeping abreast of the latest news, achievements, equipment, technologies and products that will benefit the industry you’ll be an invaluable asset to your company.

Social Media

Quarry content is delivered through a variety of channels, including Facebook and LinkedIn.