Fullyloaded.com.au is the go-to for all the latest news and information.
Drawing an average of 91,488 unique browsers a month, the website breaks the day’s big news stories as well as the latest equipment news and reviews – also delivered to more than 15,000 subscribers via its daily eDM.
Fullyloaded.com.au also houses Australia’s largest for sale and truck for hire truck, trailer, parts and accessories classifieds.
Newsletter circulation
15,000+ Readers
Monthly average page views
91,000+ Readers
Target Audience
Senior managers of freight transport, warehousing and distribution, and logistics management companies
Weekdays and Sundays
Some 42% of Census respondents said they frequently or regularly visit the site and read its daily eDM, noting they’re the leading source of the latest information and delivered it in an intelligent and independent format.
Fully Loaded has a strong social media following, with more than 11,000 Facebook followers, 1,700 Twitter followers, 900 Linked in Followers, and 16,800 YouTube followers.
Prime Creative Media is Australia’s largest business-to-business publisher, specialising in integrated marketing communications in high-growth industries.