Delivery magazine to be incorporated into Prime Mover magazine

Prime Creative Media is excited to announce that in February 2021, Delivery magazine will be included as a supplement to Prime Mover magazine.

Prime Mover magazine has historically covered last mile delivery, and been an important resource for fleet buyers. The incorporation of Delivery magazine into the publication will further extend its coverage of the increasingly important light commercial vehicle market.

“The events of this year have seen a huge surge in demand in the light commercial vehicle market. By incorporating these two publications, we will be able to support the growth of this industry with a strong multi-platform offering,” says John Murphy, CEO Prime Creative Media.

Prime Creative Media acquired Delivery magazine from Motoring Matters in November 2020. It has long admired the role that Delivery magazine plays in supporting the light commercial vehicle market.

The incorporation of the publication will be overseen by current Editor William Craske.

“Providing strong technology and performance reviews of light commercial vehicles is an important part of supporting this critical industry,” said Mr Craske. “A strong logistics and delivery system is now, more than ever, crucial in the world of supply chains and we look forward to supporting this important sector.”

For more information, including how to get involved with Delivery magazine, please contact:

Ashley Blachford
Commercial Transport Advertising Manager
0425 699 819